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1st meeting of the project team, Berlin, 12-13 September 2022

For several months we had communicated via emails and Zoom meetings but had not yet met in person. Some of the partner organisations had already worked together in previous activities, but this was the first time that all four organisations – crossborder factory, the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, CIFE and the Jasenovac Memorial – were now connected through a joint project. So it was great that we could finally meet each other personally during this two-day meeting in Berlin. We learned more about the work of each partner organisation and defined and planned more in detail the different steps of the project and the distribution of tasks among the 4 organisations. We also used the opportunity to learn more about the topic of our project by visiting the German Resistance Memorial: We were welcomed by Dagmar Lieske, research assistant at the Memorial and member of the expert team of our project, then explored the permanent exhibition about different forms of resistance in Germany and finally had a guided tour in the memorial “Silent Heroes”, which is dealing with the rescue of Jews in Europe during World War II, with one of its curators, Ute Fröhlich. During our stay, we also visited the EVZ Foundation, where we met the team of the “Education Agenda NS Injustice” programme, under which our project is funded: Emilie Buchheister (Senior Project Manager), Elke Braun (Specialist Advisor), Jens Schley (Head Office Coordinator for Education Agenda NS Injustice) and Sophie Ziegler (Social Media Editor). It was a very useful meeting to get to know each other, clarify various organisational issues and establish direct contact with the EVZ team which shows great support for our project.

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