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Wer Ist Walter?

Call for papers for edited volume

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 10, 2023.

For a long time, the memory, historiography and museology of the resistance against National Socialism, fascist occupation powers and their collaborating regimes during the Second World War has focused almost exclusively on persons, groups and events in one’s own country. But what do we know about resistance in other European countries? In recent years, more research has developed that looks beyond national borders and also addresses the topic of resistance in transnational, European and global perspectives. The international project “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against National Socialism in Europe”, organised by crossborder factory (Berlin/Germany), the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo), CIFE – Centre international de formation européene (Nice/France) and the Jasenovac Memorial (Croatia) aims to strengthen these efforts by publishing an edited volume in the summer of 2024 that will deepen knowledge about resistance in different European countries and contribute to the discussion on the question of specificities, convergences and possible connections of groups and forms of resistance within Europe. The focus of our project and publication is on the countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France and Germany, but this does not exclude proposals concerning other countries as long as they also have a connection to one or more of the mentioned four countries. We particularly encourage proposals that take a comparative approach and/or address transnational dimensions of resistance. We are especially looking for proposals from the following three areas:

1) History of resistance during World War Two

2) Resistance as topic of historiography and public policy, from 1945 to today

3) Resistance in Museums and Memorials, from 1945 to today

As part of our project, we will also organise two conferences, in Berlin in May 2023 and in Nice in October 2023. The authors of the selected papers will have the opportunity to participate in one of these conferences and present and discuss the drafts of their papers. A certain number of travel and/or accommodation grants will be available for invited participants. Paper proposals should include an abstract (300 to 500 words) and a short biography of the author, and should be sent to until January 10, 2023 at the latest. Applicants will be notified about results until the end of January 2023. Invited authors will need to submit full text by November 15, 2023. Final paper length will be max. 7000 words (including footnotes and bibliography). Submitted papers should not have been previously published. The texts will be peer-reviewed before publication. For questions please write to:

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