
Project Team

Note: The digital platform « Wer ist Walter? » was created as part of the international project « Wer is Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe », which took place between August 2022 and July 2024. The information about the project you find here comes from the project website that existed during this period, and which was last updated in June 2024.

The project team, consisting of representatives of the four cooperation partners, is in charge of defining the aims, the content and the activities of the project and of its organizational and logistical implementation.


Nicolas Moll, born in 1965 in Brussels, holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Freiburg (Germany), and is living in Sarajevo since 2007. He is working as independent historian and as intercultural trainer, is co-founder and Partner of crossborder factory and coordinator of „Memory Lab – Trans-European Exchange Platform on History and Remembrance“ ( His research interests include post-war societies, memory studies, and international solidarity movements in Europe, with a special focus on the post-Yugoslav space and on Franco-German relations. More info:


Elma Hašimbegovic is a historian and museum professional born in Sarajevo in 1977. She studied history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo and obtained an MA and MPhil in Medieval Studies at the Central European University in Budapest. Since 2001, she has worked at the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a curator and has participated in the development of various museum programs and projects, including the permanent exhibition on the Siege of Sarajevo (2002-2003). She has been the Museum Director since 2013, developing and implementing new strategies and policies for the institution, actively promoting the museum as a place of historical research, education and constructive dialogue and as a space open to all.


Auriane Jousse grew up in Normandy (France) and is living in Berlin since 2020. After completing European intercultural studies, specialising in Franco-German relations, she worked in France and Germany organising educational projects for pupils, students, and teachers. After working at the Franco-German Youth Office and the French Embassy in Germany, she joined CIFE in 2022 to coordinate European study and research projects.


Ivo Pejaković graduated from Zagreb University in 2006 with a degree in history. From 2009 he was employed as curator of Memorial Museum at Jasenovac Memorial Site and from 2017 he was appointed as director of the Memorial. He is the author and co-author of several exhibitions related to the history of Jasenovac camp and Jasenovac Memorial, as well as participant of many different international conferences and seminars on topics of Holocaust and culture of memory. Since 2018, he has been a member of the delegation of the Republic of Croatia to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).


Caroline Altmann is currently finishing her degree in History as well as teacher training for Spanish and Philosophy at the Martin-Luther-University in Germany. She has been working as a tour guide at the Forum of Contemporary History Leipzig telling the history of the GDR. She participates in the creation of an Audiowalk about Forced Labour during the Nazi-Regime in Halle Saale. She completed internships at Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany in Berlin and the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo.


Emina Čalija is the event manager at the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she has been employed since 2020. She worked on various projects related to art, education, and inclusion, among them the exhibition “Evrovizion. Crossing Sarajevo” on questions of European identity, and the seminar cycle “More than just one truth” on different historical narratives with participants from Poland, Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is also a co-founder of the Scientific Archaeological Society, which aims to promote and protect the cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Emina Čalija lives and works in Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina

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