

Hinweis: Die digitale Plattform “Wer ist Walter?” wurde im Rahmen des internationalen Projekts “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe” (Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus in Europa) entwickelt, das zwischen August 2022 und Juli 2024 stattfand. Die Informationen über das Projekt, die Sie hier finden, stammen von der Projektwebsite, die in diesem Zeitraum existierte und zuletzt im Juli 2024 aktualisiert wurde.

“Wer ist Walter?” is a cooperation project between crossborder factory (Germany), the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, CIFE – Centre international de formation européenne (France), and the Jasenovac Memorial Site (Croatia), with the support of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), in the frame of its program “Education Agenda NS-Injustice”.

Crossborder Factory (cbf)

Crossborder Factory (cbf) is a European think-and-do tank founded in 2014 with headquarters in Berlin and an office in Sarajevo. Cbf strengthens intercultural competence and European commitment and offers a platform for European citizens who want to actively participate in shaping a democratic, peaceful, cosmopolitan and solidary Europe. The work comprises 5 focal points: European Idea, Dealing with History, Western Balkans, Migration and Integration, and Social Entrepreneurship. cbf organises international and intercultural projects on these focal points, especially for young people and multipliers, e.g. seminars, study trips, workshops, training courses and public campaigns.

History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The mission of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), founded in 1945, is to collect, preserve, research, promote and communicate the history and cultural heritage of BiH. Its collection includes more than 500,000 artefacts, photographs and documents. In a deeply divided society, the museum strives to be inclusive and pluralistic by emphasising the common heritage of the whole of BiH. For the first 5 decades of its existence, the museum focused on the history of the Second World War. Since then, the museum has put a special emphasis on dealing with the difficult recent past and the 1992-1995 war, but is currently considering how to use its rich resources on the Second World War. The museum regularly organises exhibitions, training, seminars and other activities in cooperation with local and international partners.

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)

The Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), is a European higher education and research institute based in Nice (France) with offices in Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. Founded in 1954, CIFE is one of the seven institutes of excellence funded by the EU through its Erasmus+ Jean Monnet activities. CIFE offers seven international, interdisciplinary and multilingual Master’s programmes with a European focus, providing knowledge in the fields of international politics, Mediterranean studies, energy transition, climate diplomacy and economic governance. In addition, CIFE offers summer universities in various European countries. It publishes the academic journal “l’Europe en Formation” and policy papers on current European and international issues. In the field of research, CIFE has expertise in Franco-German relations, the history of European integration and collective memory in Europe.

Jasenovac Memorial

The Jasenovac Memorial was founded in 1968 with the task of collecting, scientifically processing and exhibiting museum and archive material about the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac. The institution was founded on the site of the former and 1941-1945 camp. The memorial includes the former site of the camp with various monuments, a museum with a permanent exhibition and an educational centre. The activities of the memorial include cooperation with survivors, projects with exhibitions and publications, and the organisation of commemorative events to remember the victims of the camp. The Jasenovac Memorial also works with school groups and young people to preserve the memory of the victims and teach 2 non-violence, democracy and human rights. The memorial is funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.

Project of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

EVZ Foundation

The Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (German: Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft; acronym EVZ), is a German Federal organisation with the purpose of making financial compensation available “to former forced laborers and to those affected by other injustices from the National Socialist period”. The mission of the EVZ Foundation is to keep the memory of National Socialist persecution alive and to work for human rights and international understanding. Against the background of its founding history, the EVZ Foundation is particularly active in Central and Eastern Europe, Israel and Germany. In 2021, the EVZ Foundation launched a new project, the Education Agenda NS-Injustice, in order to support projects in historical-political education on the National Socialist past and its consequences in Germany and Europe.

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