Napomena: Digitalna platforma „Wer ist Walter?“ kreirana je u sklopu međunarodnog projekta „Wer ist Walter? Otpor protiv nacizma u Evropi“ koji je realiziran između augusta 2022. i jula 2024. Informacije o projektu koje se nalaze ovdje preuzete se su web stranice koja je postojala (na engleskom jeziku) tokom tog perioda i koja je posljednji put ažurirana u julu 2024.
Crossborder Factory (cbf) is a European think-and-do tank founded in 2014 with headquarters in Berlin and an office in Sarajevo. Cbf strengthens intercultural competence and European commitment and offers a platform for European citizens who want to actively participate in shaping a democratic, peaceful, cosmopolitan and solidary Europe. The work comprises 5 focal points: European Idea, Dealing with History, Western Balkans, Migration and Integration, and Social Entrepreneurship. cbf organises international and intercultural projects on these focal points, especially for young people and multipliers, e.g. seminars, study trips, workshops, training courses and public campaigns.