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Wer Ist Walter?


“Mama Karasjok” – Nordic Example of Solidarity

“Mama Karasjok” – Nordic Example of Solidarity

Sailors and rescuers – Gertrud and Gustav Pietsch

Sailors and rescuers – Gertrud and Gustav Pietsch

The Grand Mosque of Paris, a little-known place of resistance

The Grand Mosque of Paris, a little-known place of resistance

Woman in Struggle: Women’s Antifascist Newspapers in Croatia

Woman in Struggle: Women’s Antifascist Newspapers in Croatia

Football as protest and resistance

Football as protest and resistance

Attacking railways

Attacking railways

A mysterious “Soldier with No Name”

A mysterious “Soldier with No Name”

“Forests, forests, our greatest thanks to you”  Nature, the closest ally of the partisans

“Forests, forests, our greatest thanks to you” Nature, the closest ally of the partisans

Digital platform “Wer ist Walter? 100 stories about resistance in Europe during World War II”

The digital platform “Wer ist Walter?” gathers 100 stories about resistance against Nazism, fascism, occupation and collaboration in Europe during World War II. The focus is on 4 countries that represent different regions and historical and political contexts within Europe: France as occupied and collaborating country in western Europe, Germany as the country that attacked and occupied most of Europe, within which resistance activities also developed, and Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in southeastern Europe, as parts of the Yugoslav space and more specifically of the collaborating Independent State of Croatia between 1941 and 1945.

The focus on the Yugoslav space is especially important to us, because the resistance was here particularly strong and because the (post-)Yugoslav space is often forgotten or neglected in discussions about European history and memories.


The platform “Wer ist Walter?” was created in the frame of the international project “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe” by crossborder factory, History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, CIFE – Centre international de formation européenne, and Jasenovac Memorial Site.

Project of the Education Agenda NS-Injustice

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Woman in Struggle: Women’s Antifascist Newspapers in Croatia

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Football as protest and resistance

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“Forests, forests, our greatest thanks to you” Nature, the closest ally of the partisans

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