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Wer Ist Walter?


  • admin
  • Posted by admin
23 Maja, 2024

During two days, the project team and the expert team met for...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
12 Decembra, 2023

It is now just over a year since the ‘Wer ist Walter’...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
23 Novembra, 2023

Who is Walter? Our project is a journey which we will spend...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
27 Oktobra, 2023

In the framework of the project “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
26 Septembra, 2023

After Berlin in May, the second conference of our “Wer ist Walter?”-project...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
31 Jula, 2023

It was the third time that our project and expert/research team met,...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
26 Juna, 2023

The first conference of the project “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
14 Aprila, 2023

The first conference in the framework of our “Wer ist Walter?”-project will...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
20 Decembra, 2022

In Sarajevo, he is a legend: Vladimir Perić “Valter”, a leader of...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
1 Decembra, 2022

For a long time, the memory, historiography and museology of the resistance...

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