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How to resist

“Mama Karasjok” – Nordic Example of Solidarity

Sailors and rescuers – Gertrud and Gustav Pietsch

Matthias Sindelar, the footballer who said no to the Nazis

The Grand Mosque of Paris, a little-known place of resistance

Goran’s “The Pit” – Poem of Resistance

Geneva Declaration of European Resistance Movements 1944

“Resisters of the 25th hour”

“Vichysto-Résistant”, a strange concept in France

Coded obituary. Věra Hynkova-Vejvoda: a transnational biography of resistance

Culture in Resistance: Congress of Cultural Workers, 1944

Twice a bomb – assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler

“The poster that looked like a bloodstain”

The obedient student and the disobedient professor

“I sow peace, console the sorrowful, encourage the weary.”

Woman in Struggle: Women’s Antifascist Newspapers in Croatia

Football as protest and resistance

“A friend will come out of the shadows”: French partisan songs

“Action Botanical Garden”: The first major guerilla action in Zagreb

Konjuh planinom – a Yugoslav partisan hymn

Françoise Frenkel, victim or resistance fighter?


Mont Valérien, from History to Memory

Rudi Čajavec and the Yugoslav “Partisan Aviation”

Jacques Pâris de Bollardière, the rebellious general

The Yugoslav Partisan Naval Detachment

Breaking through the encirclement: the battles of Neretva, Sutjeska and Kozara

Ludwig Baumann refused to take part in an unjust war

“Drenović has betrayed Šolaja”: The Partisans vs. the “Chetniks”

“Resistance is not the cult of the past”

Diary from the concentration camp – resistance and self-assertion in Bergen-Belsen

On the trails of resistance: the story of the partisan courier Roman Pilčić–Celić

Resisting torture

Attacking railways

Resistance from the Christian churches

Gospa Talić – The Woman Who Saved Josip Broz Tito

Ordinary heroes? The „Righteous among the Nations“

A Croatian woman in the German resistance

A mysterious “Soldier with No Name”

A young woman with an impeccably clean white collar – Rada Vranješević

Vladimir Perić Valter and the resistance in Sarajevo

Portraits of a Time by August and Erich Sander

Young, Communist and Resistance fighter: Guy Môquet’s goodbye letter to his family

Smail Buljubašić – The Forgotten Imam with a Five-Pointed Star on his Turban

The role of Resistance Fighters in the early stages of French-German and European Rapprochement

A German priest helping French prisoners and resistants

“Forests, forests, our greatest thanks to you” Nature, the closest ally of the partisans

Rewarding bravery: „People’s Hero” and „Companion of the Liberation”

“Only through our chest!” Building interethnic resistance

“Our Hospital is in the forest”: Radical Healthcare as Resistance

Unlikely calling: the Yugoslav Partisan priests

Nurija Pozderac – Rescuer and Partisan

From Rieucros to Ravensbrück: resistance by women in camps

The Action of Diana Budisavljević – The Silent Truth

The power of silence, the power of words

Camouflaged as French woman in the Résistance

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Matthias Sindelar, the footballer who said no to the Nazis

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Goran’s “The Pit” – Poem of Resistance

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Geneva Declaration of European Resistance Movements 1944

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Coded obituary. Věra Hynkova-Vejvoda: a transnational biography of resistance

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The obedient student and the disobedient professor

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“I sow peace, console the sorrowful, encourage the weary.”

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Woman in Struggle: Women’s Antifascist Newspapers in Croatia

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Football as protest and resistance

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“A friend will come out of the shadows”: French partisan songs

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Rudi Čajavec and the Yugoslav “Partisan Aviation”

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Breaking through the encirclement: the battles of Neretva, Sutjeska and Kozara

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“Drenović has betrayed Šolaja”: The Partisans vs. the “Chetniks”

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Diary from the concentration camp – resistance and self-assertion in Bergen-Belsen

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On the trails of resistance: the story of the partisan courier Roman Pilčić–Celić

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Resisting torture

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Gospa Talić – The Woman Who Saved Josip Broz Tito

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Ordinary heroes? The „Righteous among the Nations“

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A young woman with an impeccably clean white collar – Rada Vranješević

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Vladimir Perić Valter and the resistance in Sarajevo

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Portraits of a Time by August and Erich Sander

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Young, Communist and Resistance fighter: Guy Môquet’s goodbye letter to his family

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Smail Buljubašić – The Forgotten Imam with a Five-Pointed Star on his Turban

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The role of Resistance Fighters in the early stages of French-German and European Rapprochement

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“Forests, forests, our greatest thanks to you” Nature, the closest ally of the partisans

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Rewarding bravery: „People’s Hero” and „Companion of the Liberation”

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“Our Hospital is in the forest”: Radical Healthcare as Resistance

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Unlikely calling: the Yugoslav Partisan priests

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Nurija Pozderac – Rescuer and Partisan

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The Action of Diana Budisavljević – The Silent Truth

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